In this show, we use an example of Ian’s horrendously bad golf game to illustrate a common problem people face in their careers. Selfhandicapping is a cognitive strategy by which people avoid effort in the hopes of keeping potential failure from hurting self-esteem.

  • You can’t change if you won’t admit that you are unhappy
  • Are you self-handicapping or just controlling the narrative?
  • Your network can’t help you if you are not honest about what you want
  • Why people say silly things like “Money doesn’t buy happiness.”
  • Do you spend time around people who think small?
  • How much of your professional network resides within the same company?
  • Your network won’t help you until you agree to be vulnerable
  • Why your ego is more important than your goal
  • It is easier to list your accomplishments than articulate your goals (rearview versus dashboard)
  • If you are not willing to share your goal, you’re not serious about it
  • The power of making public predictions